Release year 2019
Writer Ralph Wright
Rating 7,3 of 10 stars
64173 vote
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Fans based on the animation : Maleficent BAD Disney : Hah fool, I've activated my trap card. I actually almost cried, and I don't cry easily... Also, the relationship between Maleficent and Aurora is absolutely amazing. 3.
She was born to be Maleficent just as Ryan Reynolds is born to be Deadpool. Ok see maleficent is not evil 1 like=forgiveness My sweet misunderstand firend 😭. That woman has made my maturity. Maleficent didnt want to let go of her daughter😭😭😭.
I watched it yesterday and I think it was heart warming
True love from mom. I love her. I hope they didnt turn her into a complete villain. Like all evil.i love her. How does Maleficent look so serious all the time I mean if I was in a movie I would keep laughing! Being Aroura might be Alright. The old fairytale : Scared as frick Everyone : haven't realized that the old fairytale was Making MALFICENT evil. Just finished watching this movie. It's awesome. I recommend everyone to watch it. Thank you❤. This always gets me. Everytime. This is how many people wants to meet Angelina Julie 👇. Ive watched this movie twice since it was it! Especially the battle scenes and the humour but my honest opinion. I was blinded by the beauty that is ANGELINA JOLIE. Aurora doesnt even have to ask why she's crying. Its like she heard everything while she was sleeping.
I saw this movie in cinemas and let me tell you. Absolutely stunning <3. Well can you really blame her? What happened to her is traumatizing for a first and only love.
Angelina Jolies kids are in this movie with her. Its amazing how well they can act with all the extras watching. Ive never watched the movie but I realised when she “died” that a Phoenix will always rise from the ashes. I hope there is a part 3 and it would focus on Maleficent alone, her origin, the tragedy and end with her getting her well deserved happy ending. Why is she still the mistress of evil, if all that she does is to take care of that little girl? It would me like me, calling myself the supreme Lord of darkness and sorrow, but I'm just feeding my black cat all the time. Why has it taken me SOOO long to find this video? Well I won't complain for at least I have seen it now, and man what a tribute this is. So amazing really, I love everything about this. As a little girl I grew up knowing the animated version of Sleeping Beauty and how I hated Maleficent and what she did to Briar Rose aka Aurora. Only after when I saw Maleficent I saw her real story and fell in love with the bonding and heartfelt relationship she has with Aurora. She did everything in her power to make her happy and protected her from any harm. And then there was Aurora who always looked up to Maleficent even when there was time in the beginning she was upset about how she was cursed by her. But deep within it didn't matter cause she truly loved Maleficent for she really was a mother figure to her. Thank you for sharing these precious heartfelt and gut wrenching moments of their history. I will always love Maleficent even more so than I ever did and your video truly expresses the amazing bond these two have for one another. <3.
Frozen: sister's love is an act of true love❤ Maleficent: Mother and daughter's love is an act of true love❤. Just watched it at hoyts ahhhhh #bestmovieever. I actually thought aurora and diaval would end up together after the kiss didn't work. I was like it's the bird. But NO. I watched this movie today and it was amazing I totally recommend watching it👍. THIS SCENE MADE ME CRY IN CINEMA 😢. Romantic love is waaaayyy to overrated. Thank you Angie for showing other forms of love. Who says we need romance Imma hang with my mom and dad. This is an untold tail where romance doesnt show true love but it comes from the persons who loved us first and we grew up with. You dont always need to find romance to have true love 🙂.